Felt board
You'll need:
scissors and industrial strength Velcro.
Step 1: Cut fabric 1 inch larger than your frame.
Step 2: Tuck fabric into frame
(You can use a picture frame and just leave the glass out)

Step 3: Adhere to wall with Velcro.

I added a tray for storage!
Magnet Board
You'll need:
Sheet of metal, contact paper and Industrial strength Velcro.
Step 1: Cover sharp edges of metal with contact paper.
(Gluing ribbon or fabric around edges would work too. You could
also place the metal sheet inside of a picture frame -without the glass)
It works best if you place the strip of contact paper over front edge of your metal sheet.
Then cut a square out of the corner of the contact paper and fold the edges over.
Step 3: Secure to the wall with Velcro.
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