Step 1: Find a base. I used a wreath base and
reconstructed it so it would fit around the light.
You could also use a lamp shade or a hanging basket.
Step 2: Take two boxes of wax paper and cut into equal lengths.
I made them the length of my ironing board to make step 3 easier.
Step 3: Lay three sheets together and iron them together.
Step 4: Trifold the wax paper and punch out circles
(You can use any size punch you want, but I used a 1 3/8 inch)
Using the punch upside-down makes it easier to see where you are punching.
Step 5: Sew circles together.
Step 6: Glue to base.
Step 7: Hang over light.
(I made mine so it would fit right over the dome that was already there.
Make sure you hang it far enough away from the light bulb. Waxpaper will melt)